Do You Know How to Manage Your Sales Funnel Your business needs to have a sales funnel. Business to consumer sales funnels aren't usually as complex as business to business sales funnels. Service businesses usually require more research in their sales funnels and don't always end in a sales transaction. What Does a Sales Funnel Look Like? At the widest point of your funnel, you have your target market. As you go down the tunnel to the narrowest spot, you have your paying customer. Inside that funnel are steps that occur that turn your target market into visitors, into prospects, into shoppers, into buyers, into paying customers. HOW TO BUILD EFFECTIVE SALES FUNNELSYOUR OWN HOME BASED BUSINESSDo you want to start a business, perhaps at home but you're not sure which one? Take a look at your talents and experiences and desires. Make a list and then visit this website: SMALL BUSINESS PATHSI am sure you will find something that interests you, and you may even be surprised how easy it could be to get started in your own business.